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A vision for Melbourne's new West

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About LeadWest

LeadWest is an advocacy alliance comprising the western metropolitan municipalities of Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton and Wyndham. It represents the shared interests of its members to :

  • Strengthen our local economies

  • Support sustainable population growth

  • Improve our transport connectivity

  • Scale up our community services to meet the current and future needs of our people​

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Wyndham Front Page 3.JPG
Home: Who We Are

What we do

Meaningful work, unforgettable experiences

We advocate as a collective for support and funding from State and Federal Government; we collaborate on initiatives and projects that support our communities; we share ideas and information to improve the liveability or our communities through, cultural, environmental and health initiatives, to grow our economies and create jobs. We want to decrease the number of people who need to commute out of their suburbs for jobs, education or to access services.


We are advocating to Invest in the West to provide services and infrastructure not only for our current population but also for our future growth. We will continue to advocate to gain a signed agreement on the North and West Melbourne City Deal

Focus on business precincts

We will continue to promote the priority business precincts of Cobblebank, Footscray, Sunshine, and Werribee and across the region encompassing the five councils of Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton and Wyndham

Local jobs program

We are working with the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments on the Western Region Jobs Taskforce

Home: What We Do
Our Member Councils
Brimbank City Council - Logo -
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Maribyrnong City Council - Logo - White
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Members of the Committee


Home: Meet the Team
Councillor  LW Cr Katharine Nikolic.jpg

Brimbank City Council

Cr Katharine Nikolic


Our overarching vision is for a globally engaged, connected, enterprising and dynamic region, delivering sustainable prosperity, health and wellbeing.

The below outlines our key priorities: 

Home: What We Do

A regional mental health program

Our ask: $200,000 from the State Government with a co-contribution from each LeadWest council for project management, governance and consultancy to lead the engagement and
co-design aspects of a tailored mental health program.

Invest in Melbourne's West!


Our priority projects for which we seek State and Federal Government funding and support are:

  • co-designed dedicated mental health program especially for young people. This project aims to work with service providers, health professionals and affected young adults to design a program that is tailored and dedicated to their needs.

  • Increased cycling connections and a review of the region-wide bus networks given that in some communities more than 70% of the population commute by car to work. Getting more people out of cars and on to buses and bikes will improve mental and physical health, reduce congestion and reduce CO2 emissions.

  • The Outer Metropolitan Ring will improve transport connectivity in the west. This will take road freight away from inner west roads, reducing congestion and increasing productivity. The outer Metropolitan Ring, rail and road will attract commercial investment to create significant jobs to the West.

  • A firm commitment to investments in the Sunshine Precinct, as laid out in the Sunshine Station Masterplan. Highlighting the need and the opportunity this project will provide not only to the Sunshine area, but also the wider western suburbs. Implementing the Masterplan will leverage off of the work underway for the Melbourne Airport Rail which will come through here and unlock private investment for the west.

  • Wetlands Centre at the Cheetham Wetlands will support the eco-tourisn and wellbeing sector and cater for all ages and abilities. The centre will be a premier destination and a unique visitor learning experience for immersive teaching and learning from Prep to PhD.

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What's next


6 February 2025

LeadWest Advocacy Group Meeting


5 March 2025

LeadWest Joint Delegated Quarterly Committee Meeting

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Strategic partners

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